گواہی Evidence, Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast
Valueversity strongly condemn the loss of innocent lives and atrocities on minorities in Pakistan
منٹو ، کچھ یادیں Commemorating Saadat Hassan Munto
Saadat Hassan Munto (11 May 1912 – 18 January 1955) was an outstanding Urdu short story writer, film and radio scriptwriter. In this 3 parts pod cast, internationally renowned broadcaster of Radio Pakistan and Voice of America and a distinguished… Read More »منٹو ، کچھ یادیں Commemorating Saadat Hassan Munto
!کاش Alas! انشا Urdu/Hindi flash fiction
Please listen to this Urdu/Hindi flash fiction, and also enjoy reading, if you are familiar with Urdu script, by scrolling down and using the link below. Just in case, if the audio player below does not work, use the Audioboom… Read More »!کاش Alas! انشا Urdu/Hindi flash fiction
سچائی اور کہانی کا ساتھ Hindi Story and truth, (Insha) literary pod cast in Urdu/
Insha is brief literary prose that can be written, displayed and read in one screen shot. It still possess the capacity to grasp and convey any artistic moment attached to human condition. Please listen and enjoy if you understand Urdu/Hindi.… Read More »سچائی اور کہانی کا ساتھ Hindi Story and truth, (Insha) literary pod cast in Urdu/