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غار کے قیدی ، دادا اور دلدادہ ، انشے سیریل ، گیا رہواں انشا Allegory of Cave, Grandpa & Me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 11

This story is from Plato’s most famous book, The Republic. Enjoy the wisdom This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the adventures of a teenage boy and the wisdom of his Grandpa. Mamdu is only fifteen with an… Read More »غار کے قیدی ، دادا اور دلدادہ ، انشے سیریل ، گیا رہواں انشا Allegory of Cave, Grandpa & Me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 11

فنکار، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، دسواں انشا An Artist, Grandpa & Me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 10

This story is about an artist “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes… Read More »فنکار، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، دسواں انشا An Artist, Grandpa & Me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 10

مفت محنت کش ، دادا اور دلدادہ ، انشے سیریل ، نواں انشا Free labour. Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 9

How nature supports us is an amazing reality. The work done by bees every year is worth hundreds of billions of Dollars. Enjoy the story and find out how This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through… Read More »مفت محنت کش ، دادا اور دلدادہ ، انشے سیریل ، نواں انشا Free labour. Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 9

انقلاب زندہ باد، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، آٹھواں انشا Long live freedom, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 8

This is the story of a young revolutionary Bhagat Singh who shaped the base of a grand national movement for the freedom of sub continent from the British empire. An unsung hero of India and Pakistan! This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash… Read More »انقلاب زندہ باد، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، آٹھواں انشا Long live freedom, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast, Episode 8

صدائے ساز، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، ساتواں انشا Sound of Music, Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 7

Amir Khusrow is an icon of music and culture in northern India and current day Pakistan. Invention of Sitar, Tabla and Qawali are few of his achievements this episode talks about This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes… Read More »صدائے ساز، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، ساتواں انشا Sound of Music, Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 7

نوٹ بک، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چھٹا انشا A note Book, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 6

Painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, geology, astronomy, botany, writing and history. Can a single man achieve mastery of thinking in all of these areas? Leonardo Da Vinci did. Have a glimpse of his note book in this story… Read More »نوٹ بک، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چھٹا انشا A note Book, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 6

لمبی نیند، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، پانچواں انشا Hibernation, Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 5

Is life sustainable when body is frozen, blood is ice crystal, circulation and breathing almost stops for many months? You will find the answer in this story This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the adventures… Read More »لمبی نیند، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، پانچواں انشا Hibernation, Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast. Episode 5

روشن کتبہ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشےسیریل ، چوتھا انشا Moral law within., Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 4

This is the story about Immanuel Kant, a central figure of modern philosophy. These are the words inscribed on his tomb “starry heavens above and the moral law within” This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the… Read More »روشن کتبہ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشےسیریل ، چوتھا انشا Moral law within., Grandpa & me. Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 4

گولڈی لوک کے باسی، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، تیسرا انشا Mystery of Goldilock Zone, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 3

Is there life in Goldilock zone? It might be teeming with life. Who knows? This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the adventures of a teenage boy and the wisdom of his Grandpa. Mamdu is only… Read More »گولڈی لوک کے باسی، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، تیسرا انشا Mystery of Goldilock Zone, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Pod cast Episode 3