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What is meant by Post truth era?

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What is meant by Post truth era?

Shariq Ali


The term “post-truth era” refers to a situation where people are less concerned with objective facts and more influenced by emotional appeals and personal beliefs when forming their opinions and making decisions. In this era, truth is often regarded as subjective and relative, and there is a tendency to dismiss information that conflicts with one’s preconceptions.

The post-truth era is characterized by the proliferation of misinformation, propaganda, and “fake news” on social media platforms, which can spread rapidly and influence public opinion before accurate information can be disseminated. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the rise of echo chambers and filter bubbles, where people consume news and information that reinforces their existing beliefs and biases, leading to a polarization of views and a lack of consensus on basic facts.

The term “post-truth” was popularized in the wake of the 2016 US Presidential election, which was marked by a proliferation of false and misleading information on social media. However, the trend towards a disregard for truth and facts has been building for some time and is seen as a challenge to democracy and the foundations of a free and open society.


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