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What is evolution?

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What is evolution?

Shariq Ali


What is the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is the idea that living things, like animals and plants, change over time. These changes happen because of something called natural selection. Imagine that there are lots of giraffes living in a place where there are tall trees. Some of the giraffes have short necks, and some have long necks. The giraffes with long necks can reach the leaves at the top of the trees to eat, while the giraffes with short necks can only reach the leaves lower down. Over many years, the giraffes with longer necks have babies that also have longer necks. This is because the long-necked giraffes are more successful at finding food and surviving, so they are more likely to have babies. Eventually, most of the giraffes in this place will have long necks.

This is an example of natural selection, where the environment Favors certain traits that are beneficial for survival. This process happens over a long time and leads to the formation of new species. The theory of evolution helps us understand why there are so many kinds of living things on Earth. We know that all living things have a common ancestor, but they have changed and adapted over millions of years to become the diverse array of creatures we see today.

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