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صلیبی جنگ اور قطب نما، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، گیارہویں قسط Crusades and compass, Bygone Valley, Episode 11

Episode 11 of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization called early middle ages from 1065 AD to 1206 AD when Church had great power in Europe and Pope persuaded Christians to fight the… Read More »صلیبی جنگ اور قطب نما، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، گیارہویں قسط Crusades and compass, Bygone Valley, Episode 11

تاریک یورپ اور ابن سینا ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، دسویں قسط Dark ages & Avicenna

Episode 10 of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 800 AD to 1000 AD when Europe was in turmoil, Vikings traded and raided along the European coasts. Maya were supreme in central… Read More »تاریک یورپ اور ابن سینا ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، دسویں قسط Dark ages & Avicenna

بازنطینی اور طلوع اسلام ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل، نویں قسط Byzantine and Rise of Islam, Bygone Valley, Episode 9

Episode 9 of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 400 AD to 689 AD when Visigoths invaded Rome and Emperor Justinian built Hagia Sophia. Islam emerged and spread across the middle east… Read More »بازنطینی اور طلوع اسلام ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل، نویں قسط Byzantine and Rise of Islam, Bygone Valley, Episode 9

عیسائیت ، اکسم اور گپتا ، وادی گم ، آٹھویں قسط Christianity, Aksum and Gupta, Bygone Valley, Episode 8

Episode 8 of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 150 AD to 400 AD when Christianity spread all over Roman empire. Aksum ruled Ethiopia and golden era of prosperity and scientific development… Read More »عیسائیت ، اکسم اور گپتا ، وادی گم ، آٹھویں قسط Christianity, Aksum and Gupta, Bygone Valley, Episode 8

رومن راج ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، ساتویں قسط Roman Empire, Bygone Valley, Episode 7 Urdu/Hindi Podcast

Seventh episode of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 290 BC to 80 AD when Roman empire began and flourished and Jesus resided in Palestine from 4 BC to 33 AD. Bygone… Read More »رومن راج ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، ساتویں قسط Roman Empire, Bygone Valley, Episode 7 Urdu/Hindi Podcast

دانش کدہ یونان ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، چھٹی قسط Gift of wisdom, Bygone Valley, Episode 6

Sixth episode of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 620 BC to 380 BC when first coin appeared and Socrates dominated debates in Athens. Bygone valley (Urdu/Hindi Inshay) covers history of  22,000… Read More »دانش کدہ یونان ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، چھٹی قسط Gift of wisdom, Bygone Valley, Episode 6

طلوع حکمرانی ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، پانچویں قسط Rise of empire, Bygone Valley, 5th Episode

Fifth episode of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization from 1900 BC to 1300 BC when ancient empires around Mediterranean emerged. Bygone valley (Urdu/Hindi Inshay) covers history of  22,000 years of human civilization… Read More »طلوع حکمرانی ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، پانچویں قسط Rise of empire, Bygone Valley, 5th Episode

دریاؤں کے ساتھ ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، چوتھی قسط By the river, Bygone valley, 4th episode Urdu/Hindi pod cast

Fourth episode of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization until 2,150 years BC  when Ziggurat was built in Mesopotamia as the temple of moon God. Bygone valley (Urdu/Hindi Inshay) covers history of  22,000… Read More »دریاؤں کے ساتھ ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، چوتھی قسط By the river, Bygone valley, 4th episode Urdu/Hindi pod cast

بستے گاؤں ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل، تیسری قسط VILLAGE DWELLERS, BYGONE VALLEY, EPISODE 3

Third episode of Bygone Valley, short story pod cast serial, covers the period of human civilization until 6,500 years BC, the beginning of trade in agricultural era. Bygone valley (Urdu/Hindi Inshay) covers history of  22,000 years of human civilization until… Read More »بستے گاؤں ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل، تیسری قسط VILLAGE DWELLERS, BYGONE VALLEY, EPISODE 3

الوداع جنگلوں ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، دوسری قسط Cheerio woodland, Bygone valley, episode 2

Second episode of Bygone Valley, short story serial, covers the period of evolution of human civilization until 10,000 years BC, the start of agricultural era. Bygone valley (Urdu/Hindi Inshay) will cover  22,000 years of human civilization evolution till this modern… Read More »الوداع جنگلوں ، وادی گم ، انشے سیریل ، دوسری قسط Cheerio woodland, Bygone valley, episode 2