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Nakam Mohabbat ناکام محبّت، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، سترواں انشا Lost love, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 70

Only education can defeat extremism and poverty.  All girls in the world deserve to be empowered with education to make their own choices in life This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the adventures of a… Read More »Nakam Mohabbat ناکام محبّت، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، سترواں انشا Lost love, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 70

Jhoot Ka Ashnan جھوٹ کا اشنان ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل،انہترواں انشاء Distorting History, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 69

Do we teach truth in our educational institutions? Distortion of history is a crime committed by control freak nationalists and religious extremists. The best way to come closer to truth for student is totality of experiences, both physical and cyber This Inshay… Read More »Jhoot Ka Ashnan جھوٹ کا اشنان ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل،انہترواں انشاء Distorting History, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 69

Samaji Insaf سماجی انصاف، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، اڑسٹھواں انشاء Social justice, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 68

Sattar Edhi Sahib is an icon of struggle for social justice in Pakistan. A philanthropist, social activist and a noble humanitarian worker. Enjoy the story of how he influenced the young minds thirty five years ago This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi… Read More »Samaji Insaf سماجی انصاف، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، اڑسٹھواں انشاء Social justice, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 68

Glasgow Say Dublin گلاسگو سے ڈبلن، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چھیاسٹھواں انشا Glasgow to Dublin, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast serial, Episode 66

Journey starts from the major mainline rail terminus in Glasgow, Scotland and passing through Belfast, takes us to the city of Bernard Shaw, James Joyce and Oscar Wilde. Happy listening! This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through… Read More »Glasgow Say Dublin گلاسگو سے ڈبلن، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چھیاسٹھواں انشا Glasgow to Dublin, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast serial, Episode 66