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Dilli O Dilli دلی او دلی، دادا اور دلدادہ انشے سیریل، چھیترواں انشاء Delhi oh Delhi, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 76

Delhi is the capital of various kingdoms and empires for centuries and has been captured, ransacked and rebuilt several times. Taste the richness of culture in this story This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast) takes you through the adventures… Read More »Dilli O Dilli دلی او دلی، دادا اور دلدادہ انشے سیریل، چھیترواں انشاء Delhi oh Delhi, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 76

Jawab Deh جواب دہ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، تہترواں انشا Accountable, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 73

Accountability creates an environment of trust and lack of it result in chaos.  Public has a right to ask the leaders to justify their actions and decisions. Do political leaders feel accountable? This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast)… Read More »Jawab Deh جواب دہ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، تہترواں انشا Accountable, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 73

Avatar ایواٹار ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، بہترواں انشا Avatar , Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 72

Soon a graphical representation Avatar will become our on line identity in the the forthcoming three dimensional virtual world. It might be more good looking and well behaved than our actual self This Inshay serial (Urdu/Hindi flash fiction pod cast)… Read More »Avatar ایواٹار ، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، بہترواں انشا Avatar , Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 72