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Jheel Wadi جھیل وادی، دادا اور دلداده، انشے سیریل ، ننانواں انشا Lake District, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial Episode 99

Enjoy the beauty of the most popular national park in England. Romantic poets and writers such as William Wordsworth, Coleridge, and, of course, Beatrix Potter were in love with the panorama of hilltops, adorable valleys and glittering lakesThis Inshay serial… Read More »Jheel Wadi جھیل وادی، دادا اور دلداده، انشے سیریل ، ننانواں انشا Lake District, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial Episode 99

Sheher e Gulab شہرِ گلاب، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، اٹھانواں انشاء Petra, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 98

Petra, also called Rose city, is the newest Wonders of the world. It was the capital of Nabataean empire who were traders and masters of water technology in the arid desert of present day Jordan. Brilliant engineering and craftsmanship is… Read More »Sheher e Gulab شہرِ گلاب، دادا اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، اٹھانواں انشاء Petra, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 98

Vietnam Ki Kim ویتنام کی کم، دادہ اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چورانویواں انشاء Kim of Vietnam, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 94

Mamdu learns about Vietnam War that began in 1954 against the backdrop of an intense cold War between two global superpowers. Nick Ut and his subject Kim ignited the public opinion against this bloody conflict.  Unfortunately 3 million people died… Read More »Vietnam Ki Kim ویتنام کی کم، دادہ اور دلدادہ، انشے سیریل، چورانویواں انشاء Kim of Vietnam, Grandpa & me, Urdu/Hindi Podcast Serial, Episode 94