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Why ethics more important than religion in a just society?

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Why ethics more important than religion in a just society?

Shariq Ali

Ethics and religion are two different concepts that can influence the behaviour of individuals and societies. While religion may provide a moral compass and a set of rules to follow, ethics are based on reason and critical thinking, and they can help individuals and societies make sound decisions that promote the common good.

One of the main reasons why ethics may be more important than religion in a just society is that religious beliefs can vary greatly from person to person, and from culture to culture. While some religious beliefs may promote tolerance, compassion, and respect for human dignity, others may condone violence, discrimination, and oppression. This can create conflicts between different religious groups, and it can make it difficult to establish a common set of values that can guide the actions of individuals and societies.

On the other hand, ethics are based on universal principles such as fairness, justice, and respect for human rights, which are not tied to any religious tradition. By emphasizing these principles, societies can create a framework for decision-making that is grounded in reason and evidence, and that can help promote the well-being of all members of society, regardless of their religious beliefs.

In summary, while religion can provide a valuable source of guidance and inspiration for individuals, ethics are essential for creating a just society that is based on reason, critical thinking, and universal principles. By emphasizing ethics, societies can promote fairness, justice, and respect for human rights, and they can build a foundation for a more peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous world.

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