Only a book lover can imagine that how much it takes, in terms of emotions, time, attention and money, to build a personal library containing more than 28,000 books on various subjects. Having such a collection is an extra ordinary achievement, especially in a developing country set up such as Pakistan. Now think of the gravity of situation, in which this passionate book lover contemplates the long term future of his precious collection, and finally decides to donate his lifelong collection of books, his library, not to any Urdu language related institution in Pakistan or Urdu speaking country such as India, but to the Urdu department of Japan’s Kyoto University Valueversity talks to the eminent Pakistani scholar, researcher and a renown writer, Professor Moinuddin Aqeel Sahib, the owner of this remarkable personal library, in order to explore as to why he has to make such an emotionally painful, even incomprehensible decision? Please listen and I assure you, there are points to ponder!
Shariq Ali
listen to ‘کتابوں کی ھجرت Exodus of an Urdu library Part 1’ on audioBoom
listen to ‘کتابوں کی ھجرت Exodus of an Urdu library Part 2’ on audioBoom