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اردو ادب میں ناول کی روایت ، ایک مختصر جائزہ A brief history of Urdu novel

Fictional written narrative which can be regarded as novel is a relatively recent phenomenon in Urdu literature. Over a period of about 135 years, how Urdu novel evolved to its present day form is summarized in this brief conversation by… Read More »اردو ادب میں ناول کی روایت ، ایک مختصر جائزہ A brief history of Urdu novel

A journey of self exploration. Conversation with an outstanding Pakistani singer Tina Sani

Tina Sani is one of the outstanding Pakistani singer. She recently shared her journey of self exploration through music and poetry with Valueversity. This conversation reveals how a graduate from Karachi American School, got interested in Urdu poetry especially Urdu Nazam  and… Read More »A journey of self exploration. Conversation with an outstanding Pakistani singer Tina Sani